Affinity Groups: Youth At Risk of Homelessness

Posted by: DVULI

Youth at Risk of Homelessness Affinity Group

Date/Time: September 13 at noon EST on Zoom

Moderator: Myron Bernard (Seattle-Tacoma 2011)

 WATCH the Zoom Call HERE.


Join the national conversation with fellow DVULI alumni who lead youth in the Youth at Risk of Homelessness ministry specialty on a Zoom call.

During this national discussion, alumni can:

  • Share challenges and best practices for discipling youth.
  • Learn new ideas and solutions for common struggles.
  • Engage in powerful prayer with like-minded leaders.
  • Offer and receive feedback.

About the moderator:

As the Deputy Director of the Tacoma Rescue Mission, Myron Bernard runs an organization committed to providing relief, recovery, and development for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Before serving at the Rescue Mission, Myron was the National Director of Leader Formation at Youth For Christ/USA. He holds a degree in Education from Pacific Lutheran University and attended graduate school at Faith International University. He has a full house with four kids and two cats and laughs aplenty.

In Pierce County, Washington, where Myron works, 1 in 20 youth are homeless on any given day. Statistics show that if youth do not have consistent, safe housing (i.e., reunited with their families or given assistance to transition to independence), they become more vulnerable to being preyed upon. In fact, within 48 hours of becoming homeless, one in three youths will be approached by the commercial sex trade.

“The biggest challenge is that the current system is not designed for young people who are in that space because youth are treated differently legally,” explains Myron of the system’s failure to properly protect and support minors.

Learn more about moderator Myron by reading this feature article and this profile.

Follow Myron on social media!


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