“I don't know where I would be in ministry or if I would still be in it at all…Thank you DVULI family, for shaping who I am today." - Washington, D.C. Graduate

Core Values Training

These values might not be on our participants’ radar when they come to DVULI. However, when they are encouraged to look at the Core Values intensely and to examine the relevance of accountability, balance, interdependence, empowerment, and leverage in their lives and ministries, it helps them see things from a whole new perspective.

As our skilled trainers dive deep into each core value, participants begin to see how the values work cohesively together to support a strong, healthy, and vibrant ministry leader. They reexamine their leadership approaches. They begin envisioning new ministry structures that they never even knew were possible. They come out on the other side reenergized and better equipped to lead and grow ministries built for sustained vitality and success.


Effective leaders regularly seek feedback and guidance from trusted sources.


Effective leaders understand the importance of living a balanced life, concerned with the development of the whole person.


Effective leaders are effective collaborators, aware of the rich resources present in their organizations and communities.


Effective leaders recognize the importance of bringing out the best in others.


Effective leaders know how to use the positive potential of change, knowing that seemingly small actions can have significant impact.

Investment by the Numbers

  • 96 % Set aside time to reflect on their personal growth as a leader at least once or twice a month
  • 65 % Regularly revisit their ministry plans for improvement (at least once a month)
  • 81 % Feel they were doing well maintaining a healthy balance of time between ministry, family, and self


Manessa Medina

DVULI has been beneficial to my life and has helped me grow so much in ways I was never going to on my own.

Manessa Medina Albuquerque 2015
Ray Maldonado

DVULI had a significant impact on me because it was during a time in my life that I’d been wrestling with the future and what the Lord was calling me to do. The Initiative helped me by understanding the core values that were taught, but more importantly, DVULI introduced me to people who had something to say that spoke to me about different issues in my life.

Ray Maldonado Chicago 2007
Cheryl Cuthbertson

Over the past nine years, I have used DVULI principles in leading my own teams and sharing the breakthrough skills with international youth leaders in the U.S., Africa, and the Caribbean. Replicating the training has had a significant impact on raising up other leaders who are responsible for youth development.

Cheryl Cuthbertson Seattle-Tacoma 2011
Melissa Collins

That marker in my life is so monumental. I always say that DVULI literally changed the course of my life and has led me to where I am.

Melissa Collins Atlanta 2008