Love Over Fear
Posted by: DVULI | December 5, 2023
Facing Monsters, Befriending Enemies, and Healing Our Polarized World
A 100% DVULI Recommended Resource
by Ron Carter, DVULI Staff (Birmingham 1999)
Agency, the ability to make choices, is a gift God entrusted to humanity. But if not stewarded properly, the results can be disastrous.
Take, for example, our current age of polarization. Friends are becoming enemies, family members are being disowned, churches are divided, and shouting matches have replaced civil discourse.
In Love Over Fear, Dan White Jr. exhorts Christians to exercise their agency in a manner that goes against the cultural grain.
Instead of attacking or avoiding those we disagree with, Dan offers a third option—love. This pathway of love is not about simply disregarding the faults of others but about heeding Jesus’s call to “love thy enemies.”
Using a conversational writing style, Dan shares real-life stories of those who changed their hearts and minds, learned how to practice compassion, and discovered the power of showing affection to those they viewed as monsters.
To help others achieve similar success, the author draws insight from theology, neuroscience, and psychology to show how and why fear works, the impact fear has on the brain, and the implications of seeing and treating others as objects.
Love Over Fear is a timely book, and I highly recommend it. If the name “Dan White Jr.” sounds familiar, it’s because he was a keynote speaker at DVULI Reunion 2023 in Philadelphia. If you liked his presentation, I’m confident his book will bless you.
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