Assessing Resilience

Posted by: Eileen Kooreman | June 25, 2019

A resilient dandelion with the word resilience: Are you equipping youth to be resilient in face of trauma? DVULI offers self-assessment for adults.

Are you equipping and training youth to be resilient in the face of trauma? Resilience is not a trait youth have or do not have, but behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed. Building resilience in youth starts with resilient adults. A youth leader’s level of resilience directly impacts the development of this important capacity in young people.

How resilient are you? Recognizing the important link between the health of children and the adults who lead them, the Center for Resilient Children published a self-assessment to help adults evaluate their social and emotional strengths. The Devereux Adult Resilience Survey, written by Mary Mackrain, can also help adults build on strengths, such as creativity or setting limits, and develop strategies for improvement so you can better cope with adversity, the stresses of daily life, and positively impact youth. Find the assessment at: