Gordon Havens Profile
Posted by: Eileen Schuring | July 16, 2024

By: Eileen Schuring, DVULI Intern
ALUMNI: Gordon Havens (Cincinnati 2012)
ORGANIZATION: City Gospel Mission’s Princesses Ballet
POSITION: Director, Teacher, Mentor
Gordon Havens serves as the Director of Princesses Ballet, a City Gospel Mission service dedicated to discipling girls ages 3–18 from under-resourced families across Greater Cincinnati, Ohio. The organization offers free ballet dance instruction and a mentorship-based program that helps young girls develop character, self-confidence, and a passion for dance.
How did you start and now sustain an urban ballet ministry for girls?
For the past 45 years, I’ve devoted myself to serving Cincinnati’s youth in various capacities—small groups, youth pastoring, and even a children’s rap ministry. One day, during a conversation with a college student who happened to be a ballerina, the idea of starting a ballet team came up, and a lightbulb went on. As a former competitive ballroom dance champion, the concept of combining dance and ministry excited me. It felt like a perfect match—a space where we could engage in Bible study, pray, and meet each other’s needs while also instilling work ethic, self-confidence, physical strength, and mental resilience in the children.
In 2003, I launched Princesses Ballet with six girls. Pre-COVID, we had grown to 21 dance school sites across the city. Currently, the ministry holds classes at 12 churches across Cincinnati and reaches 411 girls. I built the program on the idea that ballet belongs to everyone—regardless of color, age, shape, or economic status.
Behind the scenes, we have a dedicated team of individuals who keep Princesses Ballet running smoothly. This team consists of three area directors and 77 volunteers, including site leaders and dance instructors, some of whom have professional backgrounds with the Cincinnati Ballet and the American Ballet Theatre. We partner with churches that are thrilled to use the draw of free ballet classes as an outreach tool, inviting families with girls to attend the church. We have a solid plan of sustainability and train our staff and volunteers to disciple and preach Jesus to children.
How has the Lord equipped you individually to serve in this capacity?
I love God, the Bible, dance, and youth. I am highly relational and have a deep compassion for abandoned and abused children. I feel as though God made me the way I am to serve in this ministry. My personality, hyperactivity, and ADHD are great for this environment! I like to compare myself to King David, who danced through the streets of Jerusalem. I encompass his same zeal and childlikeness, and because of that, the Lord has used me and my gifts to work with children.
Where have you seen the impact of your ministry?
What excites me most about my ministry work is witnessing the tangible impact it has on lives. I’ve had the privilege of leading hundreds of children to Christ, and their transformation ripples through their families and communities. At one of our sites, only five percent of our dancers were previously affiliated with the church where they now attend dance classes. Now, they and their families belong to a church community.
Recently, a high school senior who started dancing with us at age seven wrote, “I am so happy you came into my life and showed me so many things. You taught me wisdom that I can carry with me for the rest of my life! Meeting you at a young age was a blessing because you helped me change so much. I feel that if I hadn’t met you, I would have still been a wayward child involved in things I shouldn’t be. You encouraged me to delve deeper into the Bible and pray more! I admire your passion for God, kids, and dance. Your kindness and patience are truly remarkable. As my coach, mentor, pastor, and most importantly, a father figure to me, you’ve made an indelible impact.”
As for the kids in our program, they grow immensely. I’m tough and demanding, but it changes their lives. Many of these urban kids lack accountability and struggle with low self-esteem. So, I challenge them. They must pass my auditions and exams. It’s difficult, but I’m always behind them, making them believe in themselves.
How can your DVULI family be praying for you?
My prayer request pertains to our upcoming production. I’ve created an original ballet titled “The Toymaker’s Daughter,” which serves as an allegory of the gospel. To the glory of God, and with the help of a professional composer, fashion designer, set builders, and professional musicians, these under-resourced kids will perform at the prestigious Aronoff Center. Please pray for the choreography, rehearsal process, and performance of this gospel ballet in a secular theatre, which debuts in December 2024.
Want to learn more? Watch these testimonial videos:
Take It from a Pro
When I Grow Up
More Than Dancing