DVULI Celebrates Serving Urban Youth Leaders for 25 Years

Posted by: DVULI | August 5, 2023


In 1995, Richard and Helen DeVos had the idea to launch a national philanthropic project that their whole family could work on together. They challenged their four children and spouses to collectively develop a philanthropic program based on their shared interests.  An intensive discovery process revealed a common passion—disadvantaged urban youth.

The DeVos family determined that optimal impact could be made by creating a faith-based leadership development program focused on sustaining urban youth leaders in ministry while building their capacity to develop effective organizations and produce leaders. After much research, interviews, and focus groups with ministry leaders and youth workers, the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (DVULI) was launched in 1998.

For 25 years, DVULI has remained committed to its goal of investing in the lives of YOU—urban youth workers. Serving you is invaluable kingdom work and is an immense honor for the DVULI team and the DeVos family!



Yearly Up to 60 leaders invested
Program Length 15 months
Urban Cities 37
Graduating Classes 25 national cohorts
25+ Year Club 125 alumni
National Youth for Christ Cohorts 2 (Class of 2009 & 2018)
Partners e625, UYWI, Legacy Disciple, Lead Like Jesus, and CLI
GRIL Graduates 1,300 alumni
2nd Gen Grads 6 alumni whose kids are alumni
Fuel Network Cities 10
Alumni Reunions 7 (including 2023)
Number of Supplemental Trainings Offered 4


This article was originally published in the Spring/Summer 2023 issue of On the LEVELTo read the full newsletter, click here.

On the LEVEL is a print publication of the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (DVULI). All content is property of DVULI and may not be republished or reproduced without permission. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the DVULI staff, RDV Corporation, or the DeVos Family Foundations. The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative is a 501c3, founded in 1998 and made possible by the generous support of the DeVos Family Foundations. © 2023