Discipleship Project: High School Ministry
Posted by: DVULI | April 30, 2024

Book #3 Discipleship Project: High School Ministry
by Rodrigo Ortiz, Staff
Lucas Leys and David Noboa’s Discipleship Project: High School Ministry hits on crucial topics that have affected teens for decades. The lesson about identity and self-esteem stood out and reminded me of my struggles as a teen. I recall searching for my identity while navigating two different cultures and how that affected my relationship with God, friends, family, youth leaders, and teachers.
Today, young people have access to much more information—too much information that strongly influences them. No longer do parents, friends, teachers, and youth leaders have sole influence over teens. Social media, internet access, and pop culture have infiltrated the sacred circle and significantly impacted the teen journey of identity and what they value.
No longer do parents, friends, teachers, and youth leaders have sole influence over teens. Social media, internet access, and pop culture have infiltrated the sacred circle and significantly impacted the teen journey of identity and what they value.
One of the book’s lessons warns, “Despite having so much information at their fingertips, most teens don’t know how to heal their sense of worth if it’s not in its place.” The greatest challenge for teenagers in building their identity “is seeing themselves as God sees them.”
Leys and Noboa raise a critical question for teens: “Who are you listening to?” Building a child’s worth and identity in Christ from an early age is foundational in preparing them for what lies ahead.
The third installment in the series, Discipleship Project: High School Ministry, starts with 10 fundamental discipleship principles.
Session 1: Essential Principles of Biblical Discipleship
- We Are the Church
- Teaching and Discipleship Are Not the Same Thing
- Every Disciple Is Different
- Discipleship Is for Every Age
- Discipleship Happens in Processes
- Accompaniment and Mentorship
- Parent Involvement
- The Mirror Principle
- Activities with a Purpose
- The Call Is for Everyone
Session 2: 10 Lessons for Discipling Teens
- The Roller Coaster of Emotions
- Identity and Self-Esteem
- Internal Explosion
- Dreams of Attraction
- Sexual Intelligence
- The Fundamental Connection
- Romance and Dating
- Healthy Relationships
- Spiritual Narcissism
- Boundaries and Freedom
Discipleship Project: High School Ministry is part of an existing themed e625 series for children, tweens, teens, and young adults, published in English in 2024. This series helps leaders connect children with the Word of God and His plan for abundant life, which is none other than becoming more like Jesus every day.
About e625
Especialidades 625 (e625) aims to offer the best resources for those who work in the discipleship of new generations from ages 6 to 25.
About the Authors
Lucas Leys has a doctorate in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the founder of e625.com and is one of the leading forces of change in the work with the new generations of the world. David Noboa has a doctorate in theology from North Carolina College of Theology and is the pastor of the Nuevos Comienzos community in Quito, Ecuador, where he also represents e625.com.
Especialidades 625 (e625) aims to offer the best resources for those who work in the discipleship of new generations from ages 6 to 25 years old.