Discipleship Project: Children’s Ministry
Posted by: DVULI | December 21, 2023

Book #1 Discipleship Project: Children’s Ministry
Review by Rodrigo Ortiz, Staff
Discipleship is a relational process that is unique to everyone, regardless of age. Early childhood is a significant time for the foundation of developing many competencies–including one’s identity in Christ. Discipling children requires the development of genuine and meaningful relationships with parents, mentors, teachers, and church leaders.
Thanks to Lucas Leys and David Noboa of e625, English-speaking youth leaders can now access a newly translated four-book youth discipleship series, previously only published in Spanish. These books are written for youth leaders (and parents) to foster transformational discipleship in youth at every stage.
The first installment in the series, Discipleship Project: Children’s Ministry, starts with ten fundamental discipleship principles. The goal is to shift the child’s mindset from “we are going to church” to “we are the church.” The second section of the book includes 10 inductive and dynamic lessons for leaders (and parents) to facilitate discipleship of elementary-aged children.
Each chapter includes a full lesson plan that aids in facilitating the following topics:
- Who is a Disciple?
- The Bible is an Adventure
- My Relationship with God
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Words are Seeds
- Facing Your Fears
- The Crisis of Embarrassment
- The Value of Friendship
- God’s Design is Perfect
- The Good and Bad
Discipleship Project: Children’s Ministry is part of an existing themed series for children, tweens, teens, and young adults that is slated to be published in English in 2024. This series helps leaders connect children with the Word of God and His plan for abundant life, which is none other than becoming more like Jesus every day.
Lucas Leys has a doctorate in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the founder of e625.com and is one of the leading forces of change in the work with the new generations of the world.
David Noboa has a doctorate in theology from North Carolina College of Theology and is the pastor of the Nuevos Comienzos community in Quito, Ecuador, where he also represents e625.com.
The purpose of Especialidades 625 (e625) is to offer the best resources for those who work in the discipleship of new generations from ages six to 25 years old.